It is the process of finding the correct place in a system of classification and finding out the correct name of the organism.
It is just like locating a title in the library on the basis of knowledge of its subject title and name of the author. Identification is carried out with the help of keys.

Biological classification is the scientific arrangement in a hierarchical series of groups and sub groups on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities in their characters so as to bring out their relationship.
It is just like arranging the books in a library subject wise, title wise and author wise in a proper sequence.

Need of classification
1.      It is not possible to identify an organism without any system of classification.
2.      New organisms are discovered every year therefore it is required to have system of classification to find out correct resemblance.
3.      Study of fossils requires a proper system of classification.
4.      Modern day breeder search wild relative of domesticated organisms. It is located only through the system of classification.
5.      To find out evolutionary pathway.
6.      To find out connecting and missing links.
7.      It is required to know organisms of other localities.
8.      Because of similarities of the characters in a group, it is easy to study a group by studying one or two members of the group.

Objectives and Functions of Classification
1.      Recognition and complete description of different species.
2.      Development of a system for easy identification of species, both known and unknown.
3.      Bringing out similar or correlated characters of various levels.
4.      Formation of scheme of hierarchical grouping of species on the basis of their correlated characters.
5.      Bringing out natural relationships and preparation of the phylogenetic system of classification on basis of similarities and relationship of organisms.

1.      Diversity. By studying the taxonomy the diversity in the living world can be known.
2.      Study of organisms. Systematic divides the organisms into groups on the basis of similarities and common correlated characters. By studying one or two members of the group gives the information about the whole group.
3.      New organisms. They can be identified on the basis of taxonomy is easily.
4.      Fossils. Identification and study of fossils are possible only through taxonomy.
5.      Identification of pests and pathogens. We can become aware of pests and pathogens only with the help of taxonomy.
6.      Identification of useful organisms. Taxonomy enables us to identify food fishes, edible mushrooms, edible fruits, medicinal plants, etc.
7.      Indicator organisms. The organisms which provide important information about factor in surrounding are called Bioindicators.
8.      Study of ecology. It can done only through sound knowledge of plant, animal and microbial taxonomy.
9.      Evolution. Taxonomy brings out natural relationships and evolutionary closeness in various groups of organisms.
10.  Other biological fields. Knowledge of taxonomy is required in all fields of biological study as they involve study of particular organisms which have to be identified.


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